Have you ever wondered what it would be like to defy the laws of physics and experience gravity in reverse? Well, you don’t have to travel to outer space or a parallel dimension to find out. There are two roads in North Carolina that claim to have this mysterious phenomenon, where cars roll uphill and water flows backwards. These are known as gravity hills or magnetic hills, and they have attracted curious visitors and paranormal enthusiasts for decades. But are they really haunted by supernatural forces, or is there a logical explanation behind them?
Richfield Road
One of the most famous gravity hills in North Carolina is located on Richfield Road, near the town of Richfield in Stanly County. According to legend, this road was the site of a tragic accident in the 1940s, when a school bus full of children crashed and killed everyone on board. Some say that the ghosts of the children still haunt the road, and that they push any car that stops on the hill to safety. Others say that the road is cursed by a witch who lived nearby, and that she casts a spell on anyone who dares to drive on it.
To test the gravity hill, drivers are supposed to stop their car at a certain spot on the road, put it in neutral, and release the brake. Then, they will feel their car being pulled uphill by an invisible force, as if defying gravity. Some people even sprinkle flour or baby powder on their trunk, and claim to see tiny handprints on it afterwards, as if the children’s spirits were pushing their car.
Rich Mountain Road
Another gravity hill in North Carolina is found on Rich Mountain Road, near the town of Lansing in Ashe County. This road is also said to be haunted by the ghosts of children, but with a different backstory. According to this legend, a group of kids were playing on the road one day, when they saw a truck coming towards them. They tried to run away, but the truck was too fast and ran them over. Ever since then, the children’s spirits have been trying to warn other drivers of the danger, and they pull their cars uphill to prevent them from going down the road.
To experience the gravity hill, drivers are supposed to park their car at the bottom of the hill, put it in neutral, and release the brake. Then, they will feel their car being dragged uphill by a mysterious force, as if gravity was reversed. Some people also report hearing children’s voices or laughter, or seeing strange lights or shadows on the road.
The Truth Behind Gravity Hills
While these stories are certainly spooky and intriguing, they are not based on facts. There is no evidence of any bus crash or truck accident on these roads, nor of any witch or ghost activity. The truth behind gravity hills is much simpler and less supernatural: they are optical illusions.
Gravity hills are actually slopes that appear to be level or uphill, due to the surrounding landscape and the horizon. The human eye and brain are tricked into misjudging the slope, and perceive it as the opposite of what it really is. This creates the illusion of gravity being reversed, when in fact it is not. The car is not being pushed or pulled by any force, but simply rolling downhill due to gravity.
This phenomenon can be easily verified by using a level or a plumb bob, which will show the true angle of the slope. It can also be explained by science and mathematics, using concepts such as perspective, relative height, and the curvature of the earth.
Gravity hills are fascinating examples of how our perception can be deceived by our environment. They are not haunted by ghosts or witches, but by our own imagination and curiosity. They are also fun and harmless attractions, as long as drivers are careful and follow the rules of the road. If you ever visit North Carolina, you might want to check out these two strange roads, and see for yourself if you can defy gravity. Just don’t forget to buckle up and enjoy the ride.