New York City, the most populous city in the United States, has many nicknames, such as The City That Never Sleeps, Empire City, and Gotham. But perhaps the most famous one of all is the Big Apple. This nickname originated in the 1920s in reference to the prizes (or “big apples”) rewarded at the many racing courses in and around New York City. Later, it was popularized by jazz musicians and show business performers who considered New York City as the ultimate destination for their careers.
But what makes New York City the best big city in the U.S.? According to Time Out, a global media and entertainment brand, New York City has been named the best city in the world for 2024, based on a survey of more than 520,000 readers and 100 staff writers and editors.
The survey asked about the quality and affordability of the food, culture and nightlife scenes in their city and how their city makes them feel, from happiness to romance. New York City ranked highest by its residents across the board, from food and drink to nightlife, culture and beauty. Plus, 15% of survey takers from other cities said they would choose New York City to move to.
New York City has a lot to offer to its visitors and residents, from iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and the Brooklyn Bridge, to diverse and vibrant neighborhoods like Chinatown, Harlem, and Greenwich Village. The city is also home to some of the world’s most renowned museums, galleries, theaters, and concert halls, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the American Museum of Natural History, Broadway, Carnegie Hall, and Madison Square Garden. No matter what your interests are, you can find something to enjoy in New York City.
New York City is also a place where people come to make their dreams come true. As Candace Bushnell, author and journalist known for Sex and the City, said: “New York is also a place where people come to make it. Nobody comes to New York saying, ‘Oh I’m going to fail or do nothing.’ People really come to make it and, especially as a woman, it’s a place where you can be ambitious and you can strive and say, ‘I want to be really successful,’ and you will find so many other women that feel the same way. In some ways, it’s really a woman’s city.”
New York City is not only the best big city in the U.S., but also the best city in the world, according to Time Out. The city has a rich history, a diverse culture, a vibrant nightlife, and a dynamic spirit that attracts millions of people every year. Whether you are looking for entertainment, education, inspiration, or adventure, you can find it in the Big Apple. New York City is truly the city that never sleeps, because it is always alive with possibilities.