Ex-Congressional Candidate Larry Savage Jr. Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Ballots in Indiana

Former Republican congressional candidate Larry Savage Jr., 51, was arrested this week in Indiana on charges of stealing ballots during a public test of the state’s voting system. Savage, an elected precinct committeeman, faces one felony count of destroying or misplacing ballots and a misdemeanor theft charge, as announced by Indiana State Police.

Savage had previously placed sixth in the Republican primary for Indiana’s Fifth District House seat.

The incident occurred on October 3, 2024, during a Voting System Technical Oversight Program VSTOP test at the Madison County Government Center.

The test, which was livestreamed, required manually entering ballots marked for pre-determined results. Following the test, officials discovered two missing ballots from the tabulation. Surveillance footage allegedly showed Savage pocketing the ballots, which were later found in his vehicle after a search warrant was issued.

In addition to the video evidence, Savage reportedly made statements on a Facebook Live stream, admitting to taking the ballots.

He allegedly commented, 3 ballots short!!! lol and Dont take anything, which he later claimed was a misunderstanding of the test ballots as samples.

Upon his arrest, Savage expressed frustration, reportedly telling officers, They’re coming after us patriots. They don’t want us to be Americans anymore, and dismissing the charges as political bulls—. Released on a $500 bond, Savage awaits his first court date.


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