The Delaware National Guard issued a news release on Friday regarding the discovery of a government-issued assault rifle that had fallen off a military vehicle along Route 1 the previous day.
The rifle, a Standard Colt U.S. Government M4, was accidentally lost between Biddles Toll Plaza and Route 299 sometime between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Thursday.
The rifle had been transported in a locked box when it fell off the vehicle.
A civilian found the rifle and is now under criminal investigation by state police. The individual is not affiliated with the Delaware National Guard.
The National Guard quickly recalled the release after five minutes, as the weapon had already been located Thursday, contrary to the information in the initial announcement.
Details about how the weapon fell off the vehicle or other specifics related to the transport are unclear, as the investigation is ongoing.
The exact nature of the crime under investigation is also not disclosed.